Sunday, August 13, 2006

Podcast Review: Cast On

Cast On

Brenda Dayne talks about knitting, spinning and fiber. The show has essays related to the current "season" topic, guest essays, "Today's Sweater" (the backstory of an object Brenda knit), music, a little knitting- or fiber-related news and bits about her life.

Passion Factor: Brenda's style makes me feel like she's a mentor and a friend.

Sound Quality: Excellent

Sound Levels: Medium-high. All elements are the same volume.

Production Quality: High. This podcast sets the bar and I compare other podcasts to its sound and production values. Brenda could get a job as a sound engineer if she wanted to!

Type of music: Varies, but mostly acoustic folky stuff. Songs relate to the topic. Some comedy, even a rap song about knitting.

My prudish rating: PG-13. Brenda rarely utters a curse, but she's been known to do it. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of anatomically correct knitted dolls and bags, you should probably skip those episodes.

Time: 45-60 minutes.

Frequency: Weekly, with "seasons" of ten weeks or so, then she takes a break for a few weeks and comes back for another "season".

Web Site: Cast-On. A blog with excellent show notes with clickable links to items and music for each episode. There are links to other knitting and non-knitting podcasts, her sponsors, and other stuff. You can comment on each episode, leave a voice mail, and send wordy or monetary contributions.

My Humble Opinion: Well, if you can't tell already, I absolutely love this show. Brenda often makes me laugh out loud and occasionally makes me cry. I've shared parts of her podcasts with my non-knitting friends. I usually learn ways to make my knitting better. Many times she says what I was thinking, but so much more wise and witty that I might just let her speak for me from now on. If you're not a knitter, you should at least listen to her intro. It's that cool.
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